It is our goal to make sure you get the exact product that you paid for. We are confident that you will be pleased with the quality of our products. But we understand, on some occasions things might not go as expected and you can certainly ask for refunds.

Once you are eligible, you will need to ask for refund from the member area of the site. We will initiate the refund process within 3 (five) business days. You will get full refund (the amount you paid for the product). For any technical issues, it is required to contact the developers and give them a chance to fix/solve it.

Occasions you are eligible to ask for refunds:

  1. Any technical issue that could not be solved by our developers.
  2. The product does not have any feature that was advertised in the product page.

We are unable to process any refund in the following cases:

  1. You do not need the product any more.
  2. You have changed your mind.
  3. You do not have sufficient expertise to use the product.
  4. You do not have required software/environment/server to use the product.
  5. You bought the item accidentally.
This page was last updated in 08 June 2022